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Trusting Lady Hemmingway: Regency Romance (The King's League Book 4) Read online

Page 4

  “Ah, Miss Hemmingway!”

  She smiled immediately, wanting to look quite delighted with the attentions of Lord Williamson. “The country dance, is it?”

  “It is,” he beamed, offering her his arm and, without even a glance back at her mother, Carolyn took it and stepped out onto the floor, determined to forget entirely both Lord Voxley and Lord Franks.

  Chapter Three

  Robert was not faring as well as he had hoped. When he had first gone to Whites, he had expected that someone might have seen a fellow running past them in the darkness, might be able to point him in the direction that the man had taken, and had even allowed himself to hope that perhaps someone might know the emblem that he had found. He had spoken boldly, exclaiming loudly that Lord Watt’s windows had been shattered by the presence of two separate bullets, for he had decided there was no need for secrecy given that the man responsible had clearly know that the League were meeting at Lord Watt’s residence that evening. He had not shown the emblem itself to anyone, however, but had asked one or two questions of a few gentlemen within Whites, wondering if anyone knew anything of such a mark.

  No-one had shown any sort of awareness of what he was speaking of. There had been a shrug here or a shake of the head there—none of what he had hoped for. He had gone back there last evening in the hope that someone new might be able to bring something to light, but no-one had been at all helpful.

  Which meant that he was now very much struggling with what was expected of him. If he had no path to follow, no thread to pull, then there was very little left for him to do. All he could hope for was that, somehow, somewhere, something might come to light. Lord Caravel had found nothing of significance, even though he had assured Robert that he had a few more people whom he wished to speak to about the emblem.

  At least Lord Millerton is improving, he thought to himself, glad that the injury had only been a flesh would. Lord Millerton had insisted on helping Robert thus far, but there had been very little for him to do other than to make subtle enquiries about the emblem they had found—but unfortunately for Robert, Lord Millerton had come up with very little also.

  Rubbing at his forehead, Robert let out a long breath and decided that the day was fine enough for him to take a walk through the park. Yes, it might almost be the fashionable hour and yes, the park would be very busy indeed, but that was no reason to remain in his townhouse, muttering thoughts to himself about what the emblem might mean or who the man might be. In fact, Robert considered, it might be better for him to go out and about in London rather than remain at home. After all, he still had to sustain his presence within society, had to still show the ton that he was very much a part of them at present. As far as the beau monde were concerned, Robert was nothing more than another gentleman come to enjoy the Season and perhaps consider matrimony, and that, Robert knew, was something he had to continue to maintain.

  “Good afternoon, Lord Franks!”

  Groaning inwardly and seriously regretting having left the comfort of his drawing room to come out into London’s Hyde Park, Robert forced a smile to his lips and greeted yet another young lady walking with her mother. Coming here had been a mistake. All he had done since he had first walked into the park had been to greet various acquaintances and be forced into new introductions with others—mostly young ladies and their respective mothers, who were clearly only interested in discovering Robert’s title and whether or not his fortune was well maintained. It felt worse this year than he had found it previously, for he could barely take a step or two without being hounded by another acquaintance. Besides which, so many meetings with so many young ladies only brought to mind the young lady that had almost been his only some months ago, and just how it had all been snatched away. Although he was never deeply in love with the young lady in question, he would have to admit that he was fond of her, but to have had an engagement ended without explanation or discussion had brought him more pain than he had anticipated.

  To remember such things was certainly not what he had intended. He had thought to take a short stroll, allowing his gaze to flicker from person to person as he had done so, but instead, he could hardly even put one foot in front of the other.

  “Good afternoon, Lord Franks.”

  A voice he did not recognize reached his ears and he turned around to see a young lady standing just to his right. She was really quite tall, with wispy golden hair that seemed to be attempting to escape from under her bonnet, pale blue eyes but with very full and very red lips. There was an unusualness about her but he did not find her ugly or plain, but rather more striking. She did not wear the traditionally white walking dress that young ladies of the ton might wear, but rather a gown of light lilac, with a pelisse of deep lilac, which seemed to add a little more color to her eyes. There was no sense of recognition within him, however, so even though he bowed and she curtsied, he could not even recall her name.

  “It is very good to see you again,” the young lady continued, when he said nothing. “After last evening, I am rather glad to be able to thank you once again for your actions.”

  Her face came back to him in a rush and he realized at once who she was. “Ah, yes of course,” he managed to reply, still trying to hunt through his mind for her name. “You are quite welcome, of course.”

  “Miss Hemmingway,” she told him, a small smile on her face as she tilted her head and looked at him, something in her eyes making him flush red with embarrassment. It was most unusual for him to react so but the knowing smile on her face and the small twinkle in her eyes sent a dart of mortification into his heart.

  “You need not concern yourself, Lord Franks,” she continued, quietly. “You were most reluctant to give me your name last evening and I believe I had to shout my name out towards you as you retreated.” She shrugged and laughed, although there was a slight awkwardness to her tone which spoke of a true confusion over his actions. “But I am glad to see you again so that I might once more express my thanks. You helped me a great deal and I am truly grateful. Indeed, there has been no lasting gossip about my failed dance with Lord Voxley!”

  “Which is just as it should be,” he told her, inclining his head. He knew that he had practically run from her side last evening, had shown no interest in discovering her name or any such thing, but he had been so distracted by his own thoughts as regarded the man who had shot through Lord Watt’s windows, that he had found there to be no eagerness in his heart to spend any more time with the lady. But now that he stood in front of her, in the warmth and brightness of a summer’s day, Robert felt his heart twist with regret and shame. He ought to have continued to behave in a more gentlemanly manner than he had done.

  “I should, of course, have sought your name and title from you, Miss Hemmingway,” he said, finding it a little odd to be standing practically head to head with a young lady, for even though he was not overly tall, he was certainly unused to finding young ladies to be at the same height as he. “Forgive me.”

  She studied him for a moment, her lips pressing together hard, her eyes assessing him. He wanted to ask her what she was thinking of, what she was doing, but discovered that he could not. The look in her eyes was so grave that he could do nothing but continue to wait.

  “You need not even ask for forgiveness after your chivalry,” she told him, after a few long moments had passed. The smile caught one corner of her mouth. “Besides which, it was a very unusual situation and there are not any particular rules as to what one must do upon such an occasion.” Her smile continued to grow. “I must hope that we can continue on as acquaintances, however.”

  “I would be more than glad of it,” he told her, honestly, surprising himself. “And should you like to take a short turn about the park?”

  The words were out of his mouth before he realized what he had said. He stared at her in surprise, aware that he could not now turn his back on her and walk away but would now have to walk arm in arm with Miss Hemmingway for a short time.

….” Miss Hemmingway looked something between astonished and delighted, her eyes practically glowing as they fastened to his. “I must first inform my mother, Lord Franks. She is just over there and I will only be a moment or two.” She did not wait for him to reply but hurried to a group of ladies standing only a few feet away. Miss Hemmingway spoke rapidly to an older lady who was already beginning to frown.

  Robert swallowed hard. This had not been his intention. He had never once thought to come to the park in order to show any specific interest in a young lady and yet now, that was precisely what he found himself doing. When Miss Hemmingway bounded back towards him, Robert knew his fate was sealed.

  “She is quite contented, Lord Franks, although we are to stay within her view at all times,” Miss Hemmingway instructed, a slightly wry look about her, as if she had very little intention of doing precisely as her mother had asked her. “I do hope that is quite all right?”

  “But of course.” He offered her his arm and felt an inexplicable heat climb up it as she took hold, looking away for a moment so that she would not see the heat in his face. There was no reason for him to have such strange feelings and so he thrust them aside just as quickly as he could, clearing his throat rather gruffly as he did so.

  “And have you enjoyed the Season thus far?”

  It was a very poor question but he could think of nothing other to say, but thankfully Miss Hemmingway answered him without hesitation.

  “I am less than a week in London, Lord Franks,” she explained, “but I am quite sure that this Season, I shall find myself a good deal more free than I have before.”

  “Free?” He did not quite understand her sentiment but, much to his surprise, she only laughed.

  “It must be very difficult for a gentleman to understand,” she said, her eyes twinkling. “For you have as much freedom as you desire! I have spent the last two Seasons being told what I must wear, how I must behave and what I must not speak of.” A flicker of irritation stole the light from her eyes for a moment. “But this Season, I am to find myself at my leisure.” A contented sigh escaped her lips and Robert felt himself a little more intrigued by the lady.

  “And what does that freedom permit you to do?” he asked, unable to help himself from pursuing it further.

  Miss Hemmingway’s eyes darted to his for a moment and a tinge of color came into her pale cheeks. “I am allowed to choose my own gowns, for example,” she said, as he looked away, not quite sure what he ought to say to such a remark. “My mother would have me glad in white and cream but given that I am such a ghost already, such colors only fade me away all the more.”

  Robert opened his mouth to say something in response to this, wanting to state that she was not at all as pale as she feared, only to realize that to say such a thing would be an untruth - and Miss Hemmingway struck him as a young lady who was not at all ashamed of such things. He felt as though she would prefer him to speak honestly than to tie things up in pretty but false compliments.

  “And I am to be able to speak of what I wish, although I must be careful,” she added, when he said nothing in response to her first remark. “You need not look so afraid, Lord Franks, for I am not someone inclined towards chewing over gossip and the like.”

  “No?” This was, he supposed, a little surprising, given that Miss Hemmingway was a young lady of quality who, from what he understood, ought to be more than eager to grasp a hold of any piece of gossip or rumor that she could.

  “No, indeed not,” she said, stoutly. “I am much more interested in matters of significance.”

  Robert did not know what to say. Part of him was very eager indeed to discover just what this young lady wanted to speak of, wanted to know what it was that interested her, but another part of him was eager to remain silent so that this flicker of interest within his heart would soon fade away.

  “Do you not wish to know what it is that I like to speak of, Lord Franks?”

  He closed his eyes momentarily, feeling his heart nudge him towards her again. He did not want any of this. To feel any sort of interest towards her was a mistake, and not one that he wanted to continue. He had enough to do with the League and certainly did not need to become distracted.

  But then again, said a small voice within him, you are not making any progress with your other situation. Why not converse with the lady for a time?

  Clearing his throat and catching her a little off-guard given how her eyes rounded, Robert managed a small smile. “I should like to know, of course.”

  This seemed to be the correct answer, for Miss Hemmingway beamed at him, her eyes sparkling with evident contentment. “You are very kind to indulge me so, Lord Franks,” she told him. “You may find me very strange indeed, but I do so very much like to discuss matters of importance, such as the recent Act of Parliament to install Prince George as Regent.” She darted a quick look at him, perhaps wondering what he made of such a remark. “Or indeed, the recent discoveries made by the Anning family.”

  “The Anning family?” he repeated, his brows knotting together. “I confess, I do not know whom you speak of.”

  Her face lit up. “Then I shall inform you of them!” she exclaimed, continuing to speak of the Anning family and their work in pulling wonderful and intriguing things out of the ground. Fossils and other curiosities were being reported, with the family setting up a curiosity shop for those interested in seeing and buying their wares. To his shame, Robert had never heard of them although he was interested indeed in how Miss Hemmingway was so caught up with it all. This was not at all what he had expected to come out of her mouth when he had first asked her to speak of what she wished but now that she was so clearly engaged in her story, so caught up in the explanation of it, he found himself quite fascinated.

  Perhaps a little too fascinated, he realized, given that they had gone much too far through the park and were now quite out of sight of Lady Hamilton. Turning around quickly, he made to make his way back towards Miss Hemmingway’s mother, only for another gentleman to step into their path.

  “Lord Franks!”

  Robert felt a rush of awareness climb up his spine as he saw the look in Lord Hamilton’s eyes as he took in his sister’s hand around Robert’s arm. He knew Lord Hamilton vaguely, of course, having been introduced some years ago.

  “Good afternoon, Lord Hamilton,” Robert said quickly, wanting to explain himself as best he could. “I was just returning your sister to her mother.”

  Lord Hamilton chuckled. “But of course,” he said, as Miss Hemmingway’s smile darkened to a frown. “It has been some time since I have seen you in London, Lord Franks.”

  “I was here last Season,” Robert answered, with a small shrug. “Were you not present also?” He watched Lord Hamilton carefully, seeing the slight twist in the man’s expression.

  “My wife did not desire to come to London,” Lord Hamilton replied, referring to Lady Hamilton who, whilst of good breeding and from an excellent family had always seemed to be notable by her absence amongst society. Lord Hamilton had married her almost two years ago but as yet she had not returned to London, from what Robert knew. “She did not desire to come to London this Season either, but I thought to accompany my sister and my mother this Season, of course.”

  “Of course,” Robert answered, seeing how Miss Hemmingway’s frown had not lifted. “That is quite understandable.”

  The grin returned to Lord Hamilton’s face. “And have you enjoyed this afternoon’s fashionable hour, Lord Franks?”

  Robert lifted one shoulder in a half shrug, not wanting to let the gentleman’s needling to get at him. “It has been decent enough,” he said, all too aware of the sharp look that was then sent his way by Miss Hemmingway. “I have been learning about the Anning family and I must admit to being somewhat intrigued by them.”

  “I should very much like to go to their curiosity shop,” Miss Hemmingway added, a slightly wistful tone to her voice, “but it is in Dover and I do not think it likely that my brother or
my dear mother would accompany me there.”

  Lord Hamilton laughed aloud at this, but Robert himself did not find anything of significance to laugh at. He felt almost offended on Miss Hemmingway’s behalf, even though there was no reason for him to be so. Lord Hamilton continued to chuckle at this remark from his sister, pulling out a handkerchief in order to wipe his eyes.

  Robert froze. There was something on the handkerchief that caught his eye. Continuing to watch as closely as he could, he saw a gold crest there, half folded over as Lord Hamilton continued to dab at his eyes. His chest tightened, his stomach began to roil—and then the handkerchief was put back in its place and all as it should be.

  “Lord Franks?”

  He jerked, realizing that Miss Hemmingway had asked him something but that he had no answered.